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Purchase Art Online 

The Brisbane based 3butterfliesArt project is an opportunity to purchase affordable art online, at reasonable prices direct from the artist, and at the same time help others.


​​Purchasing paintings is quite achievable and realistic as the buyer is free from payment of commissions, gallery and/or agents fees and shipping and handling within Australia is also included in price.  This gives art collectors both new and seasoned anywhere, an opportunity to own and enjoy original art for home or the office. 


Hi my name is Peter Shanahan and just a little of my background. 










I studied architecture in Hobart on leaving college and have been involved in art both painting and sculpture since the early 1960's.  I studied sculpture at the Launceston School of Art majoring in cast metals and have been a member of the Tasmanian Independent Artists group, exhibiting with them in the early years.


I have had exhibitions both in Tasmania and overseas and am represented in private collections both in Australia and overseas. 

I am now devoting my time to my passion - art full time. 


The majority of paintings on this site are for the use by the Christian Church - that is, profits from sales are donated to and used by Apostolic/ Charismatic Christian Churches to support the less fortunate in our communities, both local and international. Not a particular denomination or "religion" as many people understand it to be when speaking of the Christian Church.


There is a great deal that can be achieved for the people in need within various communities through our support. We are also open to being introduced to other fellowships or groups that would be interested in supporting this project and willing to discuss options.


And for art lovers it becomes a "win-win" result. You buy a painting and someone in need is helped because of your purchase. Please look kindly on this slightly different reason for selling my art - but it is important.


If you relate to this concept and would like to be involved, please feel free to share my website with others who may be interested - personally or on social media. If you are interested in being part of 3butterfliesart project, send me your contact details and I'll get back to you as soon as possible to discuss where you might be involved.


Most of my paintings are "abstract intuitive" (if you must assign a label to style) as well as figurative. I paint what I think and feel attempting to communicate to the viewer - not just what I see.  


If additional information is required, please feel free to email or through my Contact page.  


Inquiries for commission work are always welcome.  


And remember new paintings will be added to this site on a regular basis so bookmark this page and visit us again.  Send me your email address if you would like to be notified when new work has been added.


OR you may prefer to arrange an appointment (if in Brisbane) to visit my studio to view more of my work not listed here and maybe a cup of tea.

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